This «web» site has been designed to make known and allow general access to the information, activities, products and services of the FAGOR brand, owned by CANTRA S.L Albert Einstein Nº18, 39011 Santander Cantabria
The company’s contact email address is
The intellectual and industrial property rights derived from all the texts, images, as well as the means and forms of presentation belong to FAGOR. Consequently, the works are protected as intellectual property by the Spanish legal system, and both the Spanish and Community regulations in this field, as well as the international treaties on the subject and signed by Spain, are applicable.
All rights reserved. In compliance with the Intellectual Property Law, the reproduction, distribution, public communication and use of all or part of the contents of its web pages without the express consent of FAGOR is expressly prohibited.
When you access the web site, you expressly accept, fully and without reservation, each and every one of these conditions of access and use, in the version published at the time of access, without prejudice to the particular conditions which must be applied in the event that you wish to contract any of the goods and services offered on this web site, which, depending on the case, replace, complete and/or modify these general conditions of access and use.
FAGOR recommends that you read this document every time you access the web site, as well as the specific conditions established for certain contents. We inform you that, throughout your visit, our web server will collect and analyse the following data relating to it: the name of your Internet service provider, the web page from which you have accessed our web page, the pages you consult within our web site, the volume of data transferred, as well as the data and total duration of your visit. This information, which will be anonymous so that it cannot be associated with you under any circumstances, will be collected solely for statistical purposes and for the maintenance and control of the security of our systems.
Therefore, and as a general rule, no data will be collected in relation to you, except for those that you knowingly provide us with.
In any case, the user will be responsible for the veracity of the data provided, and FAGOR reserves the right to exclude from the registered services any user who has provided false data, without prejudice to any other actions which may be applicable in law.
The contents of this website, in particular the information and advertising references, unless expressly stated otherwise, do not constitute a binding offer.
FAGOR, in order to improve the performance of the web site, reserves the right to modify, extend or temporarily suspend the presentation, configuration, technical specifications, contents and services of the web site, at any time unilaterally and without prior notification to the user.
It also reserves the right to modify at any time these conditions of use, as well as any other particular conditions contained in the website.
The user undertakes to make good use of the contents and services of FAGOR, which may never be used for illegal activities or those which may be contrary to the law, public order, national defence or public health. Any use by the user of the contents and services must respect these principles. You are expressly authorised to view all the information contained on the website that is freely accessible, as well as to make private reproductions of it on your computer systems, provided that such content is for your exclusive use and is not subsequently transferred to third parties.
The access and use of this «web» page will be carried out under the sole and exclusive responsibility of the user.
FAGOR is not responsible for the accuracy, truthfulness and validity of the information which has not been prepared by FAGOR and whose contents belong to sources of information from third parties outside FAGOR. From this Web-site we may provide links to other Web pages which we consider to be of interest to our visitors. We wish to ensure that these pages maintain the highest standards. However, due to the very nature of the Internet, we cannot guarantee the privacy levels of the websites to which we link, nor can we be held responsible for the content of websites other than our own. These access, use and privacy policies are not aimed at being applied to any page with which we maintain a link and which does not belong to FAGOR.
With the requirements established in these conditions of access and use, FAGOR authorises the storage and reproduction of any text provided on its web page. This authorization does not extend to the images, graphics and sounds, tools, etc. which are protected by copyright.
FAGOR will not be responsible for any damage, whether direct, indirect or consequential, or in any other way, arising from or in relation to the use or interpretation of documents, services or information available in this web page.
FAGOR does not offer any guarantee regarding the continuity of the information, or the absence of errors in the accessible contents, or the absence of viruses or other harmful components in the website or in the server which supplies it. FAGOR does not assume any responsibility for damage which may be caused to users’ equipment by possible computer viruses contracted by the user as a result of browsing the web site, or for any other damage arising from browsing.
FAGOR recommends that you check this policy every time you access our Web site in order to be properly informed about how and why we use cookies and to be aware of any changes in the type of data being collected.
Finally, if you have any problem related to the use of the Web Site or the use of cookies on this Web Site, you can contact us at the following e-mail address
Cantra s.l. manufactures and/or markets Fagor products under license of the Fagor brand