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Fagor, the guarantee of a house brand.
The experience we have accumulated working for you during all these years, allows us to know your needs and create the most efficient products to develop your culinary arts.
Will the flavors mix if I cook several foods at once in the pressure cooker?
No. Steam does not transmit or mix flavors so if you do not want the flavors of the food to mix, make use of the basket and support as these will allow you to separate the food and keep it out of the cooking liquid. When you want the flavors to mix, simply remove the basket and let the ingredients come in contact with the liquid.
How can I adapt my favorite traditional recipes to the pressure cooker?
There are no universal guidelines and in some cases this may involve a trial and error process. However, there are three key elements you will need to consider to get good results.
Cooking times: Although cooking times vary according to the size or thickness of the food, in general terms, pressure cookers cook food in about 1/3 the time of conventional cooking methods so if a beef stew normally lasts 2 hours, in a pressure cooker it will only take 40 minutes
Amount of liquid: Make sure there is enough liquid to create water vapor, usually a minimum of 300ml/10fl.oz. Keep in mind that the longer the cooking time the more liquid you will need. In general, 150ml/5fl.oz.f should be added for every extra 15 minutes of cooking.
Pressure release methods: Whether you should cool the pan immediately or let the pressure drop of your own accord depends on the type of food being prepared. The Cooking Time chart indicates the recommended methods for depressurizing the cooker for all types of foods.
Can you cook with liquids other than water in a pressure cooker?
Whenever you need to add liquid when cooking with the pressure cooker you can consider adding flavoring liquids or sauces to improve the taste of your dishes. Light liquids such as wine, beer or vegetable broth can be used freely up to the maximum level allowed. Thicker ones such as sauces should be diluted to avoid burning. Add at least ¼ cup of water or other light flavoring liquids for every 2 cups of sauce. As for dairy products such as milk, cream cheese or yogurt, these should be added after pressure cooking, as they tend to separate and leave a curdled appearance at high heat.
How do I release the pressure from my Fagor pressure cooker?
Once the food has finished cooking, remove the pot from the heat. Even though the pressure cooker is no longer in contact with the heat source, the contents will continue to cook until the temperature and pressure drop level is reached. There are three ways to release pressure in a pressure cooker:
The Natural Method: Foods such as broths, tomato sauces, and certain cuts of meat permanently benefit from cooking in the pressure cooker as the pressure and natural temperature drop after the unit is removed from the cooker. The natural method can extend from 10 minutes to over 30 minutes, depending on the type of food and amount in the pressure cooker. You will know when the pressure has dropped completely once the pressure gauge has been lowered completely.
The Cold Water Method: For the most part, you will need to reduce and release the pressure to cook as quickly as possible in order to stop the cooking process. The quickest way to do this is to carefully take the pot off the stove and into the sink. Place it in the sink in a tilted position, and allow a small amount of cold water to run over the lid of the pot. This will stabilize the temperature and force the pressure to dissipate within seconds. Normally, you will hear a decompressing-almost like a «pop» whistle- once all the pressure has been released.
When does the pressure cooker cool down quickly?
The difference between using the pressure cooker’s rapid cooling method and the natural method is determined by the foods being cooked. Delicate foods such as creams or fresh vegetables usually require a rapid cooling method. To quickly cool the pressure cooker, simply run cold water over the top of the cooker until the pressure is released. For other foods, such as roasts or ribs, it is recommended that the pressure be allowed to drop naturally by removing the pan from the heat.
What adjustments should be made when cooking with the pressure cooker at high altitude?
At high altitude (2,000 meters) the water boils at temperatures well below 100 ° C. Therefore, when cooking with a pressure cooker at this altitude the cooking time should be increased by 5% per 1,000 feet.
How do I know my pressure cooker has reached its maximum pressure point?
All super-fast pressure cookers are equipped with spring loaded valves. Therefore, the spring pressure indicator (red or blue) will rise to indicate that the cooker has reached its maximum pressure point. At this point the steam starts to be released and the fire should be placed in the middle. This is when the cooking time begins to count down as it appears in your recipe. Do not lower the heat source too much, otherwise the internal temperature will drop and you will lose pressure in the pot.
Steam comes out of the edge of the lid. What’s the problem?
There may be some reasons for this to happen.
The pressure cooker is too full. Remember that a pressure cooker needs room for steam so it should never be filled to more than two-thirds of its capacity.
The pressure cooker did not close properly. Make sure that the pressure cooker is properly closed so that an airtight seal is created. Always consult your owner’s manual for detailed instructions.
My pressure cooker has some stains. How do I get rid of them?
Fagor pressure cookers are made of high quality stainless steel or aluminium which will guarantee a long life to the appearance of your cooker. However, sometimes stains can accumulate from normal daily use. A simple technique will help you remove them. Add equal parts of lemon juice and water to the pot and heat the mixture. Then use a non-abrasive sponge and rub gently until the stains are removed. Never wash the cooker with abrasive materials that can damage the pressure cooker finish.
Why doesn’t my pressure cooker create pressure?
There can be numerous reasons why pressure does not build up in the pressure cooker.
Reason: There is not enough cooking liquid.
Solution: Always use enough cooking liquid for the type of food you are preparing and the duration of cooking. Consult the pressure cooker recipe you are following for this amount of liquid.
The pressure cooker did not close properly. Refer to the instruction manual included with your cooker.
The pressure cooker has not been heated to a high enough temperature. Always heat the closed pressure cooker over a high heat until the maximum pressure has been reached.
The pressure valve on the regulator is dirty and/or clogged. The pressure regulator valve can become dirty when cooking. Clean the valve after each use, as indicated in the user’s manual.
The gasket is not properly fitted, dirty or worn. Always ensure that the gasket is in place and correctly positioned before using the pressure cooker. The gasket must be removed from the lid and washed after each use. Refer to the instruction manual for care and maintenance tips. After continued use, the gasket will begin to wear out. It should be replaced at least once a year or more often if the pressure cooker is used more frequently.
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Cantra s.l. manufactures and/or markets Fagor products under license of the Fagor brand